Lactation and Feeding Support
Breastfeeding may not come naturally to you or your little one but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it. Breastfeeding should be a time to relax and bond with your baby. Seeking advice early on can make a huge difference and most problems can be overcome and many mothers go on to have a happy breastfeeding journey.

Support and guidance in
Overcoming latching difficulties
Sore and cracked nipples
Positioning baby to the breast
Increasing milk supply
Over supply
Tongue and lip tie
Slow weight gain
Feeding a premature baby
Feeding a baby with a cleft palate
Pumping and bottle feeding
Going back to work
Feeding plans
During a home consultation
we will
Understand what type of labour and birth you had
Go through your concerns and do an oral check on baby
Go through positioning and latching of baby
Make a feeding plan